1) They got ... touch on FB. a) on b) in 2) I often travel ... business. a) on b) in 3) How long are you here ... ? a) from b) for 4) They are here ... three days only. a) on b) for 5) My daughter is looking forward ... summer holidays. a) gor b) to 6) Just wait a bit, I'm ... my way. a) on b) by 7) I haven't seen you ... ages! a) for b) in 8) A new business opportunity came ... and we didn't miss it. a) down b) up 9) My decision depends ... many factors. a) on b) from 10) Great to hear ... you! a) from b) with 11) We have some plans ... the weekend. a) on b) for 12) We'd like to go out ... dinner! a) for b) on 13) We took a taxi to get from the airport ... the hotel. a) to b) --- 14) Are you going anywhere ... Tuesday night? a) on b) --- 15) I can't make it on Wednesday. Wednesday is ... . a) away b) out 16) Can you pick me ... at the hotel? a) for b) up


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