You qualified to be a ____ by inheritance and you had to own 1 million sesterces in money or property. These people didn’t always have ordinary jobs, as they held important political and military positions. The ____ were the ordinary citizens of the empire. Many had jobs as craftsmen, shopkeepers, casual work as labourers, others lived in poverty. The ____ had to own 400,000 sesterces in money or property. They could follow careers in politics or military areas, but would have limited powers or authority. ____ had no legal or political rights. They did a wide range of jobs, some were even highly skilled and had great responsibility - they just didn’t get paid! The ____ was an inherited position. Only one person held this position. They held many of the most important political and religious positions in Rome. ____ were former slaves and they often worked for their old masters. They could hold a range of jobs, including skilled ones, and some became very wealthy citizens.

Eduqas Civ: Roman society


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