1) You want to speak with John Smith. What do you say? a) Could you please provide me with more information about Mr Smith? b) Would it be possible to set up a conference call with John Smith for <date>? c) May I speak with John Smith? 2) You are introducing yourself to a potential client. What do you say? a) I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you please speak more slowly? b) That sounds great. Is there anything else I should know before we wrap up the call? c) This is Helen Mill from XYZ records. 3) You are calling a company to discuss a business proposal. What do you say? a) I'm calling regarding ... b) May I speak with John Smith? c) Is there anything else you can tell me about ... ? 4) You want to arrange a meeting with a client for next week. What do you say? a) When are you free? b) Would it be possible to schedule a meeting for ... ? c) Could you please send me more information regarding the information requested? 5) You want to make sure that you got everything right. What do you say? a) Let me confirm that I understand what you're requesting. b) Thanks very much. I'll be sure to follow up with you regarding c) May I speak with ... ? 6) You want the person you're talking to wait a little while you check something. What do you say? a) Would it be possible to set up a conference call with ... ? b) It was great speaking with you. Have a good day! c) Could you hold on for a moment, please? 7) You want to get the person's phone number, email address, etc. What do you say? a) Could you please send me more information regarding the campaign? b) I'm calling regarding the meeting next week. c) Can you provide me with your contact information for future reference? 8) You failed to write the person's name down correctly, and asking them to repeat it again. What do you say? a) I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you please speak more slowly? b) Could you please spell that for me? c) Thank you for your patience. Could you please repeat that information again?

Telephoning quiz


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