1) This is ... bike. a) Marks' b) Mark's 2) They're the ... tails. a) dogs' b) dog's 3) It's ... house. a) Emmas' b) Emma's 4) Those are the ... cars. a) people's b) peoples' 5) It's the ... bag. a) doctor's b) doctors' 6) That's the ... nose. a) elephant's b) elephants' 7) These are ... books. a) Sams' b) Sam's 8) They're the ... balls. a) children's b) childrens' 9) These are the ... hats. a) mens' b) men's 10) Those are ... shoes. a) womens' b) women's 11) These are ... dogs. a) Jane's and Lisa's b) Jane and Lisa's 12) She is ... mum. a) Ben and Joe's b) Ben's and Joe's

Possessive case


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