1) Iceland emerged as a volcano about .... a) 15 million years ago b) 25 million years ago c) 35 million years ago d) 10 million years ago e) 20million years ago f) 30 million years ago 2) The closest distance from mainland Europe is 970 km a) from Norway b) from Denmark c) from United Kingdom d) from Greenland e) from Faroe Islands f) from North America 3) The area of Iceland covered by glaciers is a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 25% e) 30% f) 35% 4) Iceland is in the extent it is... a) the 1st in Europe b) the 2nd in Europe c) the 6th in Europe d) the 5th in Europe e) the 4th in Europe f) the 7th in Europe 5) The Great Geyser of Ireland is called a) Eldgjá b) Herðubreið c) Geysir d) Strokkur e) Hekla f) Kópavogur 6) The population of Iceland during the last census was ... a) 386.800 b) 365.900 c) 396.500 d) 366.400 e) 366.700 f) 346.300 7) Icelanders are proud of the world's oldest parliament, called .. a) Fjölnismenn b) Naddoddr c) Snæland d) Althingi e) Strokkur f) Geysir 8) The capital of Iceland is Reykjavik, what does it mean in Icelandic? a) Bay of Smoke b) country of abundance c) place of snow d) wild sea e) dark sky f) country of the north

Europe: the puzzle of Diversity - Iceland


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