nucleus - organelle that controls the cell, chromosome - one long molecule of DNA, gene - short section of DNA that codes for one protein, alleles - different versions of the same gene, bases - these have 4 different types and bond together making the genetic code, sugar - DNA has a ................... phosphate backbone, gamete - sex cell, homozygous - two alleles that are the same, heterozygous - two alleles that are different, genotype - the alleles and person inherits, phenotype - the characteristic that your genes determine, dominant - only one allele is needed if it is this, recessive - two alleles are needed for this characteristic to show, polydactyly - genetic disorder where extra digits are inherited, cysticfibrosis - genetic disorder of the cell membranes that causes thick sticky mucous to form in the lungs and pancreas, Punnet - Square grid for genetic crosses ,


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