Overpopulation - Implies scarcity of resources, Population Growth - Interplay of birth rate and death rate, Population Explosion - Sudden growth, Mortality - Refers to units of death per 1000 individuals, Birth Rate - Number of birth each year per 1000 individuals, Death Rate - Number of death for every 1000 individual, Population Density - Number of people living in a particular area per sq. kilometer, Literacy Rate - People in a country who knows how to read and write, Immigration - (In migration) Setting into a new place, Emigration - (out migration) Leaving a place, Aging Population - The number of old people are more than the number of young people., Geography - study of the physical features of the earth, Asia - largest continent in the world, Orient - term used by the Europeans to call the Asia, Oasis - place in the desert where there is water, Human Geography - study of race, their origins, their interactions and the perceptions, Mt. Everest - known as the highest mountain in the world, Mekong River - Mother of Waters, Dead Sea - deepest and saltiest body of water on earth, Gobi desert - coldest desert in the world, Migration - movement of people from one country or locality to another, Ganges River - has the power to cleanse their body and soul, Overpopulation - happens when the number of organisms exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat, Population Growth - difference between birth rate and death rate, Poverty - increasingly reduces the existence of human beings to deprivation level, Decline in death rate - innovation in healthcare and diseases brought about by the modern medicines, makes people live longer, Indus River - backbone of Pakistan, Tibetan Plateau - highest plateau in the world, Huang Ho River - Pride and sorrow of China, Standard of Living - possession of necessities and luxuries,


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