1) Would you like ______________? a) Wearing a costume b) To wear a suit c) Wearing a suit d) To wear a costume e) Wearing a tunic f) To wear a tunic 2) Do you enjoy___________?  a) Doing a tom-o-lantern b) To do a tom-o-lantern c) Making a jack-o-lantern d) To make a jack-o-lantern 3) Would you like to fly with me, guys?  a) Sure, whitch! b) Yes, we do, witch.  c) We love that, witch! d) We'd love that, witch! e) Fantastic idea, whitch! f) We're afraid we're busy, witch. 4) I am brilliant ____________! a) In drawing houses b) At drawing haunted houses c) In draw haunted houses d) On draw houses e) On drawing haunted houses. f) At draw haunted houses 5) My brother and sister hate _______________. a) Go truck and trating b) Doing trick or trating c) Go truck or treating d) Do trick or treating e) Going trick or treating f) Going truck or trating 6) I am _______ of _________. a) Afraid/ spiders b) Scared/spider c) Afraid/ spider d) Afreid/ spider e) Scared/ spiiders f) Afreid/ spiders 7) This _________ is __________. a) Drakula/ atractive b) Dracula/ atractive c) Dracula/ good-look d) Drakula/ good-looking e) Dracula/attractive f) Dracula/ good-looking 8) A witch __________ a _________. a) Usually has/ broumstick b) Has usually/ broomstick c) Usually has/ broomstick d) Has usually/ broumstick 9) I don't like __________. a) Eating pumpkins b) Eat pumpkings c) Eating pumpkings d) Eating pumkins e) Eat pumkings f) Eating pumkings 10) It's ________ to carry a _________ a) Difficult/ cauldron b) Dificult/ pot c) Difficult/ pot d) Dificult/ cauldron e) Difficul/ cauldron f) Dificul/ pan 11) This is a ________, is that _________? a) Gost/ correct? b) Ghost/ right? c) Gost/ corect? d) Gost/ right? e) Ghost/ correct? 12) There's a black ______________ the haunted house. a) Fense/ infront of b) Fence/ behind c) Fense/ behind  d) Fence/ in front e) Fence/ in front of f) Fense/ next to 13) I think _________.  a) Tombs are scary b) Coffins are scared c) Graves are scary d) Tombs are scared e) Coffins are scary f) Graves are scared 14) Jesus's body was ________ inside a ________. a) Entered/ coffin b) Buried/ grave c) Buried/ tomb d) Entered/ grave e) Buried/ coffin f) Entered/ tomb 15) Mirna __________ her grandfather's __________ every month. a) Visits/ grave b) Visit/ grave c) Visits/ tomb d) Visit/ coffin e) Visits/ coffin f) Visit/ tomb 16) "RIP" stands for: a) Relax In Paradise b) Relax In Pleasure c) Rest In Piece d) Rest In Paradise e) Relax In Peace f) Rest In Peace 17) This place is called: a) A cementery b) A graveyard c) A graveplace d) A cemetery e) A cemeterial f) A cementerial 18) I _____________ on you! a) Make/ an enchantment b) Put/ an enchantment c) Put/ a spell d) Make/ a spell e) Put/ an echesse f) Make/ an echesse 19) I'm _________ that you like this game!  a) Happy b) Glade c) Glad d) Hapy e) Gled

Halloween - KET (A2) English learners



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