Do you ever ... video games online?, How often do you ... to the cinema?, Do you ever ... to music at work / school?, How often do you ... football?, How often do you ... board games?, How often do you ... to concerts?, Do you ever ... to the theatre?, Do you ever ... TV in the morning?, How often do you ... films?, Do you ever ... to rock music?, Do you ever ... to jazz music?, How often do you ... videos online?, How often do you ... sports on TV?, How often do you ... to the gym?, How often do you ... on holiday?, How often do you ... shopping for clothes?.

Free time activities (play, listen to, watch, go)


a(z) Kártyaosztó egy nyílt végű sablon. Nem hoz létre pontszámokat egy ranglistán.

Vizuális stílus


Kapcsoló sablon

Automatikus mentés visszaállítása :?