1) Thermal energy moves from __________ places to ___________ places. a) Dark, light b) Cooler, warmer c) Fast, slow d) Warmer, cooler 2) Marcus buys hot food and takes the food home. What will happen to the temperature of the hot food on the way home? Explain your answer using the words thermal energy. a) The temperature of the hot food will increase as it gains thermal energy from the surroundings. b) The temperature of the hot food will remain the same as it retains its thermal energy. c) The temperature of the hot food will decrease as it loses thermal energy to the surroundings. d) The temperature of the hot food will fluctuate as thermal energy is transferred back and forth. 3) Arun takes ice cream out of the freezer. The temperature of the ice cream is -18oC when he first takes it from the freezer. The temperature of the air in the room is 22oC. Explain what will happen to the temperature of the ice cream. a) he temperature of the ice cream will remain the same because it is already frozen. b) The temperature of the ice cream will increase as it gains thermal energy from the warmer room air. c) The temperature of the ice cream will decrease as it cools the room air. d) The temperature of the ice cream will fluctuate as it tries to match the room temperature. 4) Who is correct and why? a) Sofia is correct b) Zara is correct c) because cold cannot get into the gloves d) because heat is what flows, not cold e) they are both correct f) because both answers make sense! 5) Use the engine diagram to explain... how water keeps the engine from getting too hot, a) Cold water enters bottom and the heat from the engine is transferred to the cold water b) Cold water enters bottom and the cold from the water is transferred to the hot engine, thus cooling it down c) the hot water carries the hot engine temperature out to the radiator 6) Use the engine diagram to explain... what happens to the thermal energy in the water as it passes through the radiator that is exposed to air a) the cooler air transfers its cold energy to the hot water b) the cooler air transfers its energy to the hot water c) the thermal energy in the water is transferred to the cooler air 7) Statements for HEAT a) 12 500J is needed to make water boil. b) The boiling point of ethanol is 78oC c) at the coldest place on Earth, -71oC was recorded d) thermal energy must be removed from water to make the water freeze 8) Statements for temperature a) 12 500J is needed to make water boil. b) The boiling point of ethanol is 78oC c) at the coldest place on Earth, -71oC was recorded d) thermal energy must be removed from water to make the water freeze 9) Compare heat and temperature for 250g of water at 10oC and 250g of water at 20oC a) The temperatures are different; the one at 20oC is hotter b) The temperatures are the same; because mass is the mass c) the heats are different as they 20oC has more average kinetic energy d) the heats are the same as both masses have the same number of particles e) so a higher thermal energy f) so a lower thermal energy 10) Compare heat and temperature for 10g of water at 50oC and 100g of water at 500oC a) The temperatures are different; b) The temperatures are same; c) the heats are different d) the heats are the same e) because both mass and temperature are different f) because the balance out in the end 11) What will happen? 5g of liquid water at 10oC cooled to 5oC with no change in mass a) temperature decreases b) temperature stays the same c) so heat decreases d) so heat increases 12) What will happen? 320g of liquid propanol at 50oC decreasing in mass to 200g at 50oC a) temperature will decrease b) temperature stays the same c) heat decreases d) heat stays the same e) becuz there are less particles f) particles amount doesn't matter for heat

Y9 3.4 Hot to Cold CC



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