1) VET stands for … a) Vocational employment teaching b) Vocational education and training c) Vocational educational training d) Vocational education and TAFEs 2) VET system is NOT … a) industry-led b) client-focussed c) national d) norm-referenced e) flexible and responsive to client needs f) competency-based 3) Which is not a focus of criteria-referenced assessment? a) competitive process b) non-competitive c) many competent d) constant requirements 4) Which is not included in the Dimensions of Competency? a) job/role environment skills b) task management skills c) contingency management skills d) foundation skills e) task skills 5) Which is not included in 5 parts of the VET Quality Framework? a) SRTOs 2015 b) Data Vision Requirements c) Fit and Proper Person Requirements d) Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements e) AQF f) Data Provision Requirements 6) What are 2 VQF documents trainers and assessors use most often?  a) SRTOs and DEWR b) AQF and TGA c) RTOs and ASQA d) SRTOs and AQF e) SRTOs and ASQA f) VQF and AQF 7) How many levels of qualifications across sectors in AQF? a) 9 b) 4 c) 5 d) 10 e) 8 8) Who monitors and audits RTOs? a) AQF b) ABBA c) ASQA d) VQF e) AQUA 9) Select 2 core VET practice guiding documents? a) VQF and training packages b) VQF and AQF c) SRTOs and training packages d) AQF and AQTF 10) Who is the government department in charge of VET? a) INXS b) STAs c) DEWR d) DEWA e) ACDC 11) Who is not of VET major players? a) DEWR, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations b) JSA, Jobs and Scholars Australia c) RTOs, Registered Training Organisations d) Department of Employment and Work Relations e) Clients f) Trainers and assessors 12) What is not included in VET training packages? a) qualifications b) LLND assessment c) units of competence d) skill sets 13) What organisations offer nationally-recognised training?  a) RCC b) ASQA c) SRTOs d) VQF e) AQF f) RTOs 14) Who is VET focused on? a) ASQA auditors b) Clients c) VET Quality Framework d) Industry experts e) Sponsors f) Politicians 15) Who delivers training and assesses competency? a) JSA b) JSC c) Trainers and assessors d) ASQA e) STAs

Weekly Review I: VET system


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