1) Nutrients and oxygen enter cell through the ....... a) cell membrane b) mitochondria c) ribosomes d) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 2) Which of the following structures is found in both plant and animal cells? .... a) cell membrane b) cell wall c) large, water-filled vacuole d) chloroplast 3) The control center of the cell and is responsible for cell division ...... a) mitochondria b) nucleus فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي c) golgi apparatus d) chloroplast 4) Which of the following is found in an acacia plant leaf and is not found in human? ... a) cell wall b) mitochondria c) cell membrane d) cytoplasm 5) When two muscles work together to carry out a movement, one muscle ....... while the other ...... a) moves - stays still b) contracts - relaxes c) stays still - relaxes d) stays still - contracts 6) Some cell membranes are surrounded by ....... a) cell membrane b) cell wall c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي d) tissues 7) The small structures inside the cell are called ...... a) organs b) cells c) atoms d) organelles 8) The system in the human body consists of a group of ....... a) atoms b) organs. فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي c) organelles d) tissues 9) The ...... allows water to enter and exit cells to maintain water balance or both sides. a) cell membrane b) cell wall c) tissues d) leaves 10) The heart beats in the ...... system accelerates when feeling afraid. a) digestive b) circulatory c) respiratory d) nervous 11) The ....... in the urinary system purify the blood. a) lungs b) heart c) stomach d) kidney 12) A group of organs that work together to perform a specific function. a) System b) Tissue c) Cell d) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 13) A device used to examine very small things. a) Lens b) Microscope c) T.V d) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 14) A system that secretes hormones stimulating the rest of the body's systems to respond. a) Respiratory system b) Endocrine system c) Digestive system d) Nervous system 15) All cells are formed of organelles, each of which performs a different function. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 16) Tissue consists of a group of similar cells. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 17) Water and wastes are stored in the vacuole. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 18) Plant cells and animal cells are completely similar in structure. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 19) All living cells contain chloroplasts. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 20) Every system in the body works individually when exposed to danger. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي 21) Sweat is excreted by the lungs. a) ✓ b) X 22) The muscle of the body work together at the same time. a) ✓ b) X c) فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي

امتحان multiple choice on concept 1,2 (school book)للصف السادس الابتدائي فن العلوم عماد الششتاوي


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