1) What is this? a) AN APPLE b) A PEAR c) A PEAR TREE d) AN APPLE TREE 2) What is this? a) AN APPLE b) A PEAR c) A PEAR TREE d) AN APPLE TREE 3) A _ _ L E a) P P b) P L c) E P d) EE 4) What is this? a) A PEAR TREE b) A HAT TREE c) AN APPLE d) A FLOWER 5) What are these? a) A HAT TREE b) AN IDEA c) HATS d) MUM'S HATS 6) How many BLACK hats can you see? a) TREE b) FIVE c) THREE d) SIX 7) What is this? a) HATS b) AN IDEA c) TINA'S HAT d) A HAT TREE 8) How many hats can you see? a) TREE b) TWO c) THREE d) ONE 9) The boy has ________ . a) A TREE b) A ICE CREAM c) A HAT d) AN IDEA 10) The boy has ________ . a) A TREE b) A ICE CREAM c) A HAT d) AN IDEA 11) This is a _________ hat. a) TREE b) FLOWER c) HAT d) APPLE 12) Eating _____ _____ is a good idea! a) ICE CREAM b) CAKE c) APPLES d) PEARS


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