1) She________________________at 7 o'clock. a) get up b) gets up 2) I____________________at 8 o'clock. a) go to school b) goes to school 3) She____________________her teeth at 10 o'clock. a) brush b) brushes 4) _____________________worm in the apple. a) There are some b) There's a 5) ________________bats in the room. a) There are some b) There's a 6) ________________computer on the desk. a) There's a b) There are some 7) He______________________to bed at 12 o'clock. a) goes b) go 8) ________________black cats in the garden. a) There's a b) There are some 9) She___________________breakfast at 7 o'clock. a) have b) has 10) He_________________dinner at 8 o'clock. a) has b) have 11) I____________________in the evening. a) get up b) gets up 12) I've got_______________eyes. a) three b) two 13) There are_______________pumpkins. a) three b) thirteen 14) He______________up at 12 o'clock. a) get b) gets 15) There_____________three witches. a) is b) are 16) There__________a garden. a) is b) are

SM2 halloween (Present Simple + There is / are)



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