In the lively city of Gothenburg, a young girl named Azra always dreamed big. She knew that with hard work and dedication, she could make her dreams come true. ____, she had always been a hard worker and made sure to do everything very seriously. Her dream was to work with music in the future. ____, she had practiced playing instrument everyday since she was five years old. ____, she was sometimes worried that other students worked twice as hard as her and would become even better at playing music. Furthermore, Azra had an exciting idea. She decided to start playing guitar outside of her school in Tuve so that others would hear her play and notice her talent. ____ making her a bit nervous, she was determined to make it happen. In a friendly town, Max and his loyal dog, Buddy, loved to go on adventures in the nearby woods. ____, Max's parents warned him about traveling alone. One sunny morning, Max and Buddy, well-prepared with snacks and a map, set out to find a hidden waterfall. ____, they brought a bottle of water. Max did not listen to his parents' warnings since he felt that Buddy would keep him safe. Besides, he knew the woods by heart. After hours of walking, they reached the hidden waterfall. It was breathtaking. ____, they felt they had to take a picture of the view. Max assumed the water would be freezing cold. ____, he put on his swim shorts and went for a swim. At Fridaskolan, there was a student named Mia who loved to learn new things. ____, sometimes she felt a bit shy about asking questions in front of the class. Mia's teacher noticed that Mia was curious in classes. Furthermore, Mia's teacher encouraged her and her classmates to ask questions, as it helped everyone learn and understand better. ____, asking questions was a great way to show curiosity. One day, Mia gathered her courage and raised her hand to ask a question about the science experiment they were doing. ____ being a little scary, Mia was proud of herself for speaking up. Her question led to an interesting discussion, and the whole class learned something new. Mia realized that asking questions in the classroom was a fantastic way to discover and learn together. ____, Mia decided to start raising her hand more often in class. In a magical land there lived a friendly dragon named Arvid. Arvid was known for his beautiful blue wings and a heart as warm as a campfire. ____, some of the people in the land were sometimes scared of him because they thought dragons were scary. ____, Arvid loved to fly and discover new places. He often went on adventures with his forest friends, like squirrels and owls, and they had lots of fun together. ____ being brave and kind, Arvid had a special talent for making beautiful firework displays in the night sky. ____, one day, when the land faced a problem with a gloomy, dark cloud that blocked the sun, Arvid knew he could help. He knew his fireworks could light up the sky and bring happiness back to the land. Arvid started flying towards the night sky and prepared to breathe fire. He was used to creating fireworks. ____, he felt nervous during this night. What if he would fail? In the kingdom of Bikeland, there was a wise and kind-hearted king named Patric. King Patric was loved by his people for his generosity. ____ being a generous king, Patric was also known for his clever thinking. ____, not everything in Bikeland was amazing and the king actually had to face a mighty challenge. The kingdom's crops were failing due to a long drought, and his people were worried about their food supply. The people had become very hungry. ____, King Patric gathered his advisors and the farmers to come up with a solution to the problem. ____ challenge being tough, they knew that they would come up with a solution. ____, the king was used to dealing with problems. That's why he's the king - he knows what to do in difficult situations.


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