1) / ever be on TV? What TV show / it?  2) / ever lose your mobile phone? Where / lose it? / find it? 3) / ever win a cup or medal? What / win it for? 4) / ever speak to a famous person? Who / it? What / say? 5) / be to the movie theatre recently? What / see? / like it? 6) / buy any new clothes recently? What / buy? Where / buy it? 7) / have a really good meal recently? Where / go? What / have? 8) / be to a sports event recently? / your team win? 9) / ever speak in public? What / speak about? How / feel? 10) / forget somebody’s birthday recently? Whose birthday / it? How / he or she feel? 11) / ever go to the south of Chile? Where / go? What / do? 12) / ever eat Italian food? When / eat Italian food? What / eat?

Have you ever...? / Have you.... recently? conversation


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