1) Alison has been at the bus stop ________ 7 o’clock a) for b) since 2) He has been in her room ________ 30 minutes. a) for b) since 3) They have lived in the same house ________ 10 years. a) for b) since 4) I have been in the shopping centre ________ morning. a) for b) since 5) We have known Peter ________ 6 years. a) for b) since 6) Andy has worked as a doctor ________ 25 years. a) for b) since 7) A lot of things have happened ________ our move to the USA. a) for b) since 8) I haven’t eaten chocolate ________ ages. a) for b) since 9) Liza hasn’t seen Brian ________ last Tuesday. a) for b) sincr 10) I have studied French ________ September a) for b) since 11) We have studied English ______ ten years. a) for b) since 12) They have been friends ____ a long period of time. a) for b) since 13) Mary has played piano ____ she was six years old. a) for b) since

Form 7 Unit 3 Lesson 2


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