Conformity - The tendency to adjust one’s thoughts, feelings or behaviour, in ways that are in agreement with those of a particular individual or group, or with social norms., Conformity and group size - Conformity increases with group size, but only up to a size of four, Unanimity - Conformity increases if there is complete agreement among other group members, Informational influence - Conformity increases when an individual wishes to provide a correct response, but they are unsure what the correct response is., Normative influence - Conformity increases when an individual wants to be liked and accepted by the group, Culture - Conformity decreases in individualist cultures but increases in collectivist cultures, Social loafing - The tendency of an individual to make less effort when involved in a group activity than when working alone, Deindividuation - Conformity increases when individuals feel anonymous or less accountable for their actions,

Factors influencing Conformity (KKDP6)


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