defined as centers of trade and commerce - Advance Cities, improve their lives and they continuously invented tools needed to survive - Technology, leaders found it essential to record important matters - Recording System, specialization is the development of skills in a specific kind of work - Specialized Workers, warriors who fought for their lords - Samurais, writing system of the Sumerians - Cuneiform, temple built by the Sumerians to worship their gods - Ziggurat, the first empire builders - Akkadians, eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth - Lex Talionis, first civilization that used iron for weapons - Hittites, known as the fiercest, cruelest, most aggressive, and most warlike of all the ancient people - Assyrians, Stargazers of Babylon - Chaldeans, military genius of the Persian empire - Cyrus the Great, the greatest traders of antiquity - Phoenicians, greatest cities of the Indus river valley civilization - Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, first family of rulers to leave written records in the Chinese civilization - Shang Dynasty, origin of the sun - Jiphen, Land of the Morning Calm - Choson, significance of Angkor Wat to the Khmer Empire - oldest and most marvelous architectural work of the Khmers, World’s First Declaration of Human Rights - Cyrus’ cylinder, Korea's system of writing - Hangul, Code of Hammurabi - Babylonians, Cyrus Cylinder - Persians, Aleph and Beth - Phoenicians,


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