television - watch shows and movies on it, telescope - used to see into space, telegraph/telegram - way to send a message over distance, telephone - used to talk over distance, telemarketing - someone calling to sell a product or service, teleport - travel over far distance quickly, telecommunication - communicating over far distances, often through a computer, tele - far, phon/phone - sound, microphone - used to make sound louder, phonemes - sounds of a language, phonograph - what music used to be played on, symphony - large orchestra, gram/graph - write/draw, telegram - message sent over a wire using a telegraph machine, telegraph - a machine used to send a message in Morse code, graph - a chart used to show data and information, grammar - proper structure of language, photograph - a picture taken with a camera, geography - structure of land, grapheme - a written symbol for the sound of language, micro - small, scop/scope - see; watch, stethoscope - instrument for seeing or listening to the body, microscope - instrument for seeing small items, vid/vide - see; watch, divide - to separate into two parts, provide - to make something available for use, videography - the art of making videos, video - something to see or watch, evidence - what the police need to see before they charge someone with a crime, auto - self, autograph - self-signature, automatic - a thing that is self moving, automotive - industry that makes cars, mob, mov, mot - move, automobile - vehicle that you drive , motivation - something that makes you move, movie - moving images that you watch, mobster - someone who moves with a gang, scrib, script, scribe - write, geo - Earth, prescription - a written order for medication, geologist - one who studies the earth, ped, pod, pede - foot, podiatrist - a doctor who specializes in foot issues ,

Morpheme tele- , phon/phone, gram/graph, scop/scope, micro, vid/vide, mob, mov, mot



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