1) How many planets are there in our solar system? a) 4 b) 10 c) 8 2) Which planet is further from the sun? a) Mercury b) Uranus c) Neptune 3) How many km's is Earth from the Sun? a) 10 million b) 150 million c) 50 million 4) A solar eclipse happens when the ... a) moon blocks the suns ray from reaching the Earth b) Earth blocks the suns ray from reaching the moon c) When the Sun gets dark 5) What causes the seasons? a) The moon b) the tilt of the Earth c) the weather 6) What season is it in Victoria if the southern hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun? a) Spring b) Winter c) Summer 7) When does a penumbra occur? a) when a half-shadow that occurs only partly covering an object b) When a shadow completely covers an object c) when light hits the moon 8) How many tides are there in a day? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 9) If it is high tide in the Arctic (north pole) where else is it high tide? a) South America b) Italy c) Antarctica (South pole) 10) If it is 2pm in Perth in winter what time is it in Melbourne? a) 6pm b) 4pm c) 4am 11) What is the first letter of each planet in order from closest to further from the Sun? a) MVMEJSUN b) MEVMJSNU c) MVEMJSUN 12) How many time zones is the World divided into? a) 12 b) 6 c) 24 13) In which direction does the Earth rotate? a) clockwise b) anti-clockwise c) it changes 14) How long does it take for the Earth to complete 1 revolution of the Sun? a) 365 b) 364 c) 365.25 15) How many days in a leap year? a) 365 b) 366 c) 366.25 16) If it is winter in the northern hemisphere what season are we experiencing in Victoria? a) summer b) spring c) autumn 17) What keeps the Earth in its constant orbit around the Sun? a) Strings b) Gravitational force c) Momentum 18) Why do we only ever see the same face of the moon? a) Because the Moon rotates on its axis at the same rate that the Moon orbits the Earth b) Because it's to dark on the other side c) Because the moon is too far away. 19) When it is a new moon what can you see in the night sky? a) The whole moon b) A crescent shaped moon c) no moon 20) What does the word gibbous mean? (eg: a waning gibbous moon) a) 3/4 b) not quite whole c) crescent

Earth & Space Revision



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