1) Choose the correct sentence a) We might going to France next week b) We might went to England on New Year c) We may going to Spain tomorrow d) We may go to Thailand at the weekend 2) Choose the correct sentence a) It might be cold and windy outside b) Outside it may be cold and windy c) It maybe cold and windy outside d) Outside might cold and windy e) It may cold and windy outside 3) Choose a correct sentence a) Sulin might not buy new skates b) Sulin not may buy new skates c) Sulin might not buying new skates d) Sulin may not buy new skates e) Sulin might not bought new skates 4) Choose the correct sentence a) Jim and Jenny are might playing mobile games b) Jim and Jenny might play mobile games c) Jim and Jenny might played mobile games d) Jim and Jenny might are playing mobile games e) Jim and Jenny maybe play mobile games 5) Choose a correct sentence a) There might be some sandwiches in the kitchen b) In the kitchen the may be some sandwiches c) There might be any sandwiches in the kitchen d) There might are some sandwiches in the kitchen e) May be some sandwiches there in the kitchen 6) Choose a correct sentence a) May she be angry? b) Maybe she angry? c) Might is she angry? d) Might she be angry? e) She may is angry? f) May is she angry? 7) Choose the correct sentence a) You might need sun cream and a towel b) You might be cream and a towel c) You no may need cream and a towel d) You don't might need  sun cream and a towel

May/might Power up 4


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