1) What’s the plural of "child"? a) children b) childs c) childrens 2) What’s the plural of " woman? a) womans b) womens c) women 3) What’s the plural of "watch"? a) watchs b) watches c) watchen 4) What’s the plural of " window"? a) windowen b) windows c) windowes 5) What’s the plural of "umbrella"? a) umbrellases b) umbrellasis c) umbrellas 6) What’s the plural of " chair"? a) chairen b) chairs c) chaires 7) What’s the plural of "bag"? a) bags b) baggs c) bages 8) What’s the plural of "picture"? a) picturees b) pictures c) picturis 9) What’s the plural of "toothbrush"? a) toothbrushes b) teethbrushes c) toothbrushs 10) What’s the plural of "box"? a) boxes b) boxs c) boxe 11) What’s the plural of "car"? a) cares b) caresen c) cars


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