1) What is the capital of Maine? a) Augusta b) Columbus c) Raleigh d) Newport 2) What is the capitol of Vermont? a) Boston b) Augusta c) Cape Cod d) Montpelier 3) What is the capitol of Connecticut  a) Raleigh b) Hartford c) Cincinnati d) Austin 4) What is the capital of Rhode Island a) Trenton b) Albany c) Salem d) Providence 5) What is the capitol of New York? a) Trenton b) Dover c) Annapolis  d) Albany 6) What is the capital of Maryland? a) Denver b) Annapolis c) Pittsburgh d) Harrisburg 7) What is the capital of Deleware? a) Dover b) Albany c) Trenton d) New Massil 8) What is the capital of Pennsylvania a) Hartford b) Trenton c) Salem d) Harrisburg 9) What is the capital of New Jersey? a) Trenton b) Cape Town c) Albany d) Pioneer 10) What is the capital of New Hampshire? a) Trenton b) Concord c) Albany d) Annselville 11) What is the capital of Massachusetts? a) Capetown b) Columbus c) Boston d) Pioneer

Northeast State Quiz



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