True: McMahon-Hussein Correspondence was a sequence of conversation made through , Regulating Act placed India under the rule of a Governor General, Lord Cornwallis introduced the Permanent Settlement Act, Mustafa Kemal established the Republic of Turkey, Hartals or boycotting of all British products, Non-payment of taxes to the British, Queen Elizabeth granted a charter to a commercial enterprise., Permanent Settlement Act states that the British would collect land revenues from the Indian landlords, The great Empire of the Turks was created by the Osman dynasty, Ottoman Empire declined., Mandates are territories surrendered by Germany., Colonization is the acquisition of lands for commercial and religious motives., Indian landlords are called Zamindars, False: Mughal emperors did not allow the British unlimited freedoms., Warren Hastings introduced the Permanent Settlement Act., The sepoy mutiny did not bother the British, Dutch seized Aiden and turned it into a naval base, The part of Britain that was under direct,



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