As a student, I cannot ________________ going to expensive restaurants. ____ She is a great cook, her family always enjoy her _________________ meals. ____ They can't dine at a restaurant every day. It's too _______________________. ____ Convenience food is a kind of _______________________ food. ____ Cooking sophisticated dishes can be _________________________. ____ I must go to the market, as I am ________________________ vegetables. ____ I earn enough but I spend _______________________. ____ Cooking at home saves money but ____________________ a lot of time. ____ How much time did you _____________________ on preparing this dish? ____ It ______________________ me three hours to make this birthday cake. ____ It's ____________________ to throw away old bananas. Why don't you use them to bake muffins? ____ If you don't have _______________________ time, it's convenient to buy ready-made food. ____ We enjoyed a _____________________ breakfast to start the day full of activities. ____ I don't like the ___________________ of this apple. It's sour! ____ The restaurant offers a variety of international ________________________. ____ Don't drink this milk. It has ____________________ and tastes sour! ____

Cooking 1



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