advance notice - telling someone about something before you do it, appliances - large machines for household chores, chunk of change - a large amount of money, consider - to think about, down payment - the money required to begin the buying process, downside - disadvantage, equivalent - about the same as, flexibility - ability to change easily, Founding Fathers - the men who formed the country and wrote the Constitution of the United States, handy - convenient, hookup - connection, lease agreement - rental contract, lot - the property, piece of land, off the hook - not held responsible for something, out of luck - unlucky, pretty - quite, property line - A legal boundary of a piece of land, pros and cons - advantages and disadvantages, realtor - a person who's business is to help people buy and sell homes, relocating - moving from one area to another, secondhand - previously used or owned by another, security deposit - money kept in an account in case the apartment is damaged, take forever - take a very long time, tempting - makes you want something, typically - usually, upside - advantage, good part, weigh one's options - think about choices, white picket fence - a painted wooden fence, you're on your own - it's your responsibility, zap - cook in a microwave (also 'nuke'),


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