Chinese men hair braids - Queue, Chinese merchant guild - Cohongs, Forced the Chinese merchants to surrender all their stocks of opium and destroy them immediately. - Lin Hse Hsu, Boxers marched to Beijing and shouted these words - Death to the Foreign Devils, The Righteous and Harmonious Fists Society of Rebellion. - Boxers, An event that was caused by the seizure of the Chinese authorities in terms of a British maneuvered Chinese vessel engaged in opium trade. - Second Opium War, A treaty known as the Peking Convention of 1860 - Treaty of Tientsin, A provision that exempted foreigners from Chinese laws. - Extraterritorial Rights, era that made major changes in Japan - Meiji Era, A provision that gave the British equal participation in all the rights and privileges granted to any other nations by China - Most Favored Nation, first imperialist war in the east - First Opium War, Japan made this country, its protectorate in 1905. - Korea, A region where trade and investment is controlled by a foreign nation. - Sphere of Influence, commanded by US President Millard Filmore to sail and hand a letter intended to request the Tokugawa to open its port for foreign trade - Matthew Perry, A fifteen-year old ruler of Japan who founded a new government carrying the name Meiji for his reign. - Mutsihito, a mixture of the people of Jurchen, Mongolian, Tungustic and other tribes of Korean descent who settled in the northeast of China. - Manchus, A dynasty that ruled China for 250 years - Qing Dynasty, an act of extending a country’s authority to other lands by political, military, and economic means - Imperialism, British gained the island of Hongkong - Treaty of Nanking, Opium trade was legalized. - Treaty of Tientsin, China paid indemnity of 450 million taels. - Boxer Protocol, Great Britain was granted the so called “most favored nation”. - Treaty of Nanking, The officials involved with the Boxers were executed. - Boxer Protocol, Chinese addiction and British smuggling of opium - Opium War, “Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace” - Taiping Rebellion, Concern of Americans to China’s pitiful situation - Open Door Policy, The Communist Party - Mao Tse-tung, The May Fourth Movement - Mao Tse-tung, Nationalist Republic of China - Chiang Kai-shek, Republican Revolution - Sun Yat-sen, Double Ten - Sun Yat-sen, Two rebellious groups in China - Nationalist and Communist,



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