1) Which words come from the root that means "to hear or listen"? a) fraud b) inaudible c) audiobook d) guad 2) The word invisibility comes from the Latin root vis, which means- a) to see b) to look or watch c) to decide d) to turn 3) Which word comes from the root that means "to build"? a) dictate b) reform c) positional d) reconstruct 4) The word spectator comes from the Latin word spect, which means- a) to see b) to look or watch c) to decide d) to turn 5) Which word comes from the root that means "to carry"? a) inspection b) contract c) import d) literally 6) Which words come from the root that means "to say or tell"? a) dictator b) dice c) medic d) addiction e) contradiction 7) The word report comes from the Latin word port, which means- a) to move b) to draw or pull c) to carry d) to see  8) In which words does '-ment' have the same meaning as it does in 'announcement?' a) elementary b) argument c) judgment d) moment e) amusement 9) In which words does '-ness' have the same meaning as it does in 'sickness?' a) fairness b) fitness c) dryness d) witness e) necessary 10) In which words does '-less' have the same meaning as it does in 'furless?' a) bless b) tearless c) unless d) keyless e) lesser 11) In which words does '-ship' have the same meaning as it does in 'ownership?' a) shipmate b) friendship c) airship d) relationship e) reship 12) Adding the prefix 'in' to the word 'audible' creates a word that means: a) able to be heard b) able to be seen c) to be heard again d) not able to be seen e) unable to be heard 13) Which sentence contains an example of hyperbole? a) It took us 100 years to walk from our house to the bank. b) Joshua squealed with excitement when he learned about the vacation his family would take on Spring Break. c) The boat sloshed through the muddy water for about 10 minutes. d) The puppy could be heard crying from across the room. 14) Jerry asked for a new seat in the classroom because he and John regularly fought like cats and dogs. This sentence is an example of... a) hyperbole b) personification c) simile d) metaphor 15) He was so confused by the science lesson that his head was spinning. This sentence is an example of... a) hyperbole b) personification c) simile d) metaphor 16) I love dessert. At restaurants, when I see it, I can hear it calling my name. These sentences are an example of... a) hyperbole b) personification c) simile d) metaphor 17) A synonym for 'firm' is... a) flexible b) stiff c) textured d) plastic 18) An antonym for 'firm' is... a) flexible b) stiff c) textured d) plastic 19) The best antonym for 'achieve' is... a) wonder b) complete c) abandon d) incorporate 20) The best synonym for 'achieve' is... a) wonder b) complete c) abandon d) incorporate 21) The best synonym for 'curious' is... a) unconcerned b) disheartened c) interested d) logical 22) The best antonym for 'curious' is... a) unconcerned b) disheartened c) interested d) logical

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