Hypodermic Needle Model - When the New Zealand government announced a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19, news outlets and social media rapidly spread the information, causing an immediate response from the public in the form of panic buying and changes in behavior. This is indicative of the hypodermic needle model, where media has a direct impact on public action., Two-step Flow Model - Jacinda Ardern, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand, used social media platforms like Facebook to communicate with the public during the COVID-19 crisis. Her messages, shared by other influencers and opinion leaders, reached a broader audience, showing how information flows through influential individuals., Uses and Gratifications Theory - The rise of streaming platforms like TVNZ OnDemand in New Zealand shows how viewers use these services to satisfy their need for personalized entertainment. With a variety of shows and genres available, users can find content that suits their preferences, fulfilling their need for relaxation and enjoyment., Selective Exposure Theory - During the New Zealand general election, political partisans often follow news sources and social media channels that align with their views. For example, supporters of the Labour Party might follow news sources that report favorably on their candidates, while National Party supporters choose outlets with a more conservative slant. This selective exposure reinforces existing beliefs., Cultivation Theory - Shows like "Police Ten 7" and other crime-related content on New Zealand television could lead audiences to believe that crime rates are higher than they actually are, cultivating a sense of insecurity and danger. This constant exposure to crime-related media content can influence viewers' perceptions of their safety and the frequency of crime., Media Dependency Theory - During the 2019 Christchurch mosque shootings, people in New Zealand relied heavily on news media and social media for information about the event, updates on victims, and security measures. The dependency on media during such a crisis demonstrated how essential media is for understanding and responding to a rapidly evolving situation.,

Media Theories


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