A message - spoken or written information sent from one person or group to another., A sign - a printed direction, notice, or warning put on a surface or on an upright support., A corner - the place where two lines or surfaces meet to form an angle., A brush - A cleaning tool used for scrubbing/cleaning floors., A field - a wide area of open land often used for growing crops., A train - a connected series of railroad cars with wagons., A piano - a musical instrument with a keyboard and many wire strings., Tickets - a small, narrow slip of paper or thin cardboard that shows that one has paid for something., Opposite - as different as possible., Walked - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to WALK", Made / Made - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to MAKE", Did / Done - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to DO", Went / Gone - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to GO", Read / Read   - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to READ", Wrote / Written  - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to WRITE", Ride / Ridden - The past and present perfect form of a verb "to RIDE", Code - a system of symbols or signals used in place of letters and numbers for sending messages.,

English vocabulary (Puzzles and codes). Prepare for a test


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