1) Tom _____ his room every Saturday. a) tidy b) tidies 2) We _____ to the music every day. a) listen b) listens 3) Mary usually _____ TV in the evening. a) watch b) watches 4) The girls often _____ with the dolls. a) play b) plays 5) I _____ in the pool on Sundays. a) swim b) swims 6) They _____ their homework every day. a) do b) does 7) Bill _____ tennis every Sunday. a) don't play b) doesn't play c) doesn't plays 8) We _____ to the park. a) doesn't go b) don't go c) don't goes 9) Kate _____ to wear long dresses. a) don't likes b) doesn't likes c) doesn't like 10) My cousin _____ Italian well. a) doesn't know b) don't know c) doesn't knows 11) Pam _____ to the gym. a) doesn't goes b) doesn't gos c) doesn't go 12) _____ Kate help her mother every day? a) Do b) Does 13) _____ you listen to rock music? a) Does b) Do 14) _____ Tom know all the computer games? a) Does b) Do 15) _____ they go to the zoo on Sundays? a) Does b) Do 16) _____ your brother drive his car well? a) Do b) Does


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