1) Because it was hot outside. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 2) Justin saw clouds in the sky he hopes it doesn't rain. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 3) I love to write papers I would write one every day if I had the time. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 4) Although I did my homework. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 5) The bucket is on the top shelf in the garage. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 6) The show must be sold out there are people standing in back. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 7) Smoke from the cabin visible for miles up and down the coast. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 8) During the construction of Mount Rushmore, approximately eight hundred million pounds of rock from the mountain to create the monument. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 9) On average, office workers spend more than five hours sitting at their desks, researchers believe that extended periods of sitting can have a negative impact on overall health. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 10) After playing an hour-long set for nearly one hundred cheering fans, Trent's band returned to the stage and delivered a stellar encore performance. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 11) In the early 1960s, Alan and Doris Litman, a couple in Pittsburgh, invented mace (a nontoxic tear gas), after one of Doris's colleagues was mugged, the Litmans wanted to create a safe product that women could use in self-defense. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 12) In an effort to deter counterfeiters, the central bank of Norway wanted to redesign the nation's currency and sponsored a competition to find a fresh look for the banknotes. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 13) One of the oldest harvest festivals in the world is the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Which was first celebrated in the tenth century BCE. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 14) Which U.S. cities are doing the most to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Tonight's news report has the details. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 15) Culture plays an important role for orcas they communicate with distinct calls and live in small, intimate groups led by older females that teach the younger orcas. a) Complete b) Fragment c) run-on 16) Although fewer than twenty-five California condors remained in the wild in 1982, their numbers increased to more than one hundred sixty by 2014. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 17) On June 22, 1944, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the G.I. Bill, it provided funding for services catering to veterans, such as home loans, job counseling, unemployment insurance, and education. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 18) During a test flight over the Mojave Desert, Virgin Galactic's experimental SpaceShipTwo spacecraft crashing on October 31, 2014. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 19) At the conclusion of the War of 1812, the youngest general in the army was Winfield Scott. Whose tactical methods and regulations came to define the U.S. Army for most of the nineteenth century. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on 20) Mexico is the world's largest avocado producer, one variety is so profitable that Mexican farmers refer to the fruit as oro verde, or green gold. a) Complete b) Fragment c) Run-on

Complete Sentence, Sentence Fragment, or Run-on Sentence? (Level: Expert)


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