True: The lives of the righteous will be taken away by Angels gently, The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad saw through Angel Jibreel a.s, Free will means freedom to believe in what we want to, The creations of Allah swt were created for us to remember Allah swt, The Makkan chiefs were worried that more Arabs would become Muslims., The Quran is not the word of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, We cannot force a person to accept Islam, On the Day of Judgement, we will be assessed according to our deeds. , False: All of the revelations of Allah swt has been changed by mankind, The Eqyptian chiefs rejected the message of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad saw, Allah did not create the Angels out of light, It was at Mount Thur that Prophet Muhammad saw got his first revelation , Everyone accepted Islam when Prophet Muhammad saw preached about IslamProphet Muhammad saw, The Tawrah, Injil, Zabur and Quran are in their original form.,

Tarbiyah P4 SA1 QS True False


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