Rise to Power: Hitler gave good public speeches encouraging support, Propaganda showed Hitler as a strong leader, WR was hated due to it being weak with coalitions and many turned to the Nazis, The Nazis promised to get rid of the TofV, Many blamed the defeat of the War on the WR, Many people feared communism and looked for an alternative , The Nazis promised to fix economic problems and create jobs. , Consolidation of Power: Death of President Hindenburg meant Hitler could join the role of President and Chancellor, The army swore an oath of Loyalty, The Night of the Long Knives- SS killed the SA, Reichstag Fire- Hitler blamed the communists- 24 years old killed, 5000 Communist arrested under Reichstag Fire law, Censorship laws put in place, Enablign Act Banned political parties and Trade Unions. , Maintenance of Power : Strength through Joy encouraged support as many wanted the holidays and cruises  , Increased support as they created jobs and reduced unemployment from 6 million, Gestapo wore plain clothes and spied on people, Many opponents sent to concentration camps , Jews were banned from being Doctor and Dentists for Non Jews, Jews were no longer German citizens, 500,000 Roma people were sent to concentration camps, The education system brainwashed children, Judges swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler, The number of crimes increased from 3 to 46 that were punishable by the death penalty,

Nazi Germany Revision



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