apparently - we use this to introduce information we have heard, when don’t know for sure if it is true, e.g., handle - the long part that you hold on a spoon, knife, etc., leave a stain - leave a dirty mark (from wine, oil, paint, etc.), these things happen - used to tell someone not to worry about a mistake they have made, an accident they have caused etc It’s not your fault – these things happen., that’s a point - said to show that what someone has just said is true or important, stuff - things that someone says or does, when you are referring to them in a general way without saying exactly what they are, drawer - a box-shaped container, without a top, that is part of a piece of furniture. It slides in and out to open and close and is used for keeping things in, rubbish - 1) waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed; 2) something that you think is very low quality or not true, clear out - to tidy a place by getting rid of things that you do not want, that will/should/would do - 1) used to say that you will have finished doing something if you just do one more thing; 2) enough to accomplish something or satisfy some requirement, cloth - a small piece of material, used in cleaning to remove dirt, dust, or liquid, rub into - to use a forceful rubbing action to apply some substance to a surface and cause it to soak or penetrate into it, it works for - used to say that something is very suitable for someone or something and does exactly what they wanted or expected,
Outcomes B2 - Unit 3 Useful things p.27
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