1) When I ... my driving test, I’ll buy this car. a) pass b) will pass c) to pass 2) I’ll cal you back ... I make lunch. a) in order to b) as soon as c) but 3) ... you learn this rule properly, you will fail the exam. a) After b) As soon as c) Unless 4) When the film ... over, we will go somewhere to eat. a) be b) will c) is 5) Let’s discuss it together if you ... make decision. a) cannot b) won’t c) could not 6) I ... for the test before I go to bed. a) will revise b) revise c) don’t revise 7) She ... go to university if she passes her exams with A grades. a) will be able to b) won’t be able to c) able to 8) He will be punished if he ... a) won’t behave badly b) will behave badly c) behaves badly 9) Unless I ... at home, I won’t talk to you. a) be b) am c) will be

If and when sentences



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