1) Between 1981 CE and 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant _______ rates declined more rapidly than anywhere else in the world. a) mortalize b) mortal c) mortality d) mortally 2) The _______ of Jordanian doctors has spread in the region. a) repute b) reputation c) reputational d) reputationally 3) Many people believe that herbal _______ helps to cure from common complaints. a) remediated b) remedial c) remediate d) remedy 4) Most doctors used to be _______ about the validity of complementary forms of medicine. a) scepticism b) sceptical c) sceptic d) sceptically 5) These days, many _______ medicine consultants also have medical degrees. a) complementarity b) complement c) complementary d) complementation 6) Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East due to the country’s _______ to making healthcare for all a top priority. a) commit b) commitment c) committed d) commits 7) Experts _______ a mixture of activities that include moderate exercise. a) recommend b) recommendation c) recommender d) recommends 8) More _______ people make better and healthier lifestyle choices. a) optimism b) optimistic c) optimist d) optimistically 9) This planet is unable to _______ human or plant life. a) sustainable b) sustainability c) sustain d) sustained 10) The plant can _______ 30 million gallons per day of seawater. a) desalinated b) desalinating c) desalinate d) desalination 11) People all over the world are able to read and _______ most Jordanian literature. a) appreciate b) appreciation c) appreciative d) appreciatively


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