Nutrition - The science or study of food and the ways in which the body uses food., Nutrients - Provide the body with energy, are necessary for life and growth, and help keep viruses away, Essential Nutrients - Water, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates (Carbs), Proteins, Fats, Water - 70% of our body is made of this, Vitamins - We get most of these from fruits and vegetables, Minerals - We get these by eating plants or eating animals that eat plants, Protein - Muscle, skin, bone, and hair are largely made up of this , Fats - These pack a lot of energy and calories, Carbohydrates (Carbs) - Energy giving nutrients that mainly include sugars and starches., Calories - This unit is used as a measure of the energy released by food as it is digested by the human body, Serving size - The nutritional information given to you on the label corresponds to the amount of food that is denoted by the serving size, Dietary Fiber - Also known as roughage or bulk, includes the parts of plant foods your body can't digest or absorb,
7th Grade SMS Nutrition Vocab
7th Grade
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