Clouds are in the ... - sky, A very big hill is a . - mountain, How.......... coffee shops are there in your town? - How many coffee shops are there in your town?, How....... is a bus ticket to Vilnius? -  How much is a bus ticket to Vilnius?, .................. is your birthday? - When is your birthday?, How........your weekend? - How was your weekend?, The homework wasn’t difficult, it was...... - The homework wasn’t difficult, it was easy, hot yesterday? - Was it hot yesterday?, What is the opposite of these words? dark, fast, high - light, slow, low, What is the past simple of these verbs? buy, drink, eat, take - bought, drank, ate, took, ...................... you study English yesterday? - Did you study English yesterday?, What is the past simple of these verbs? make, have, get, go - made, had, got, went,

revisio 7-8 part 2



a(z) Flash kártyák egy nyílt végű sablon. Nem hoz létre pontszámokat egy ranglistán.

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