children - what is the plural form of child?, enormous - this word has the same meaning as huge, incredible - this word has the same meaning as amazing, parade square - we have our morning assembly at this location in school when it does not rain, excited - students will always feel this way whenever there is a fun concert during assembly, field - this is the best location to play soccer because it is spacious, simple - this word is the opposite of hard, friends - these are the people you enjoy spending time with , responsibility - you show this value when you ensure that all your homework is done, together - this word is the opposite of alone, harmony - you show this value when you are able to work well with other people, courage - you show this characteristic when you are brave, integrity - you show this value when you are honest, care - you show this value when you ask your friend how they are feeling when you see them looking sad, resilience - you show this value when you never give up,


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