1) who introduced bureaucracy in India a) Lord Wellesley b) Lord Warren Hastings c) Lord Cornwallis d) Lord Warren HastingsRobert Clive e) Lord Dalhousie f) Lord Minto 2) What was the main center of the British in western India. a) Kolkata  b) Chennai  c) Hyderabad d) Mumbai e) Delhi f) Bengal 3) What system did Robert Clive introduce in Bengal in 1765? a) Subsidiary alliance b) Dual government c) Monopoly of trade d) Civil service e) Annexation of States f) adoption policy 4) who was given the monopoly of trade in India a) Mughals b) East India Company c) Portugese  d) Rajputs e) Subhedars f) Nawab of Bengal 5) who established the ‘Asiatic Society of Bengal’ at Kolkata. a) Lord Dalhousie b) Lord Warren Hastings c) Lord Minto d) Sir william Jones e) Lord Cornwallis f) Lord Wellesley 6) which Act was passed by Lord Willian Bentinck.  a) widow remarriage b) age of consent c) Indian penal code d) The doctrine of lapse e) Regulaying act 1773 f) sati prohibition act 7) what was the main source of income in India before British rule.  a) artisan tax b) salt tax  c) Agriculture d) Land revenue e) heriatge tax f) Fishing 8) who arrived in India as governor general a) Lord Dalhousie b) Lord Warren Hastings c) Lord Wellesley d) Lord Minto e) Sir william Jones f) Robert clive

Effects of British rule - Game quiz


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