1) _____________ penguins over there look very cute! a) These b) Those 2) ____________ markers I have in my hand belong to Ms Sara. a) These b) Those 3) "Look at ___________ planes in the sky!" yelled Polly. a) these b) those 4) I'm sure _________ puppies here belong to someone. a) these b) those 5) __________ bicycles across the street are spoilt. We need to fix them.  a) These b) Those 6) _________ pens over there belong to Ms Elly. a) These b) Those 7) _________ storybooks I'm holding are very heavy.  a) These b) Those 8) ___________ kittens over there are mewing really loudly. They must be hungry! a) These b) Those 9) __________ dresses over there belong to my sister. a) These b) Those 10) ___________ students here are from Pathlight School. a) These b) Those

[P2] Demonstrative Determiners - These, Those


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