1) Who suffered the torture of being under a huge,hot rock? a) Khadijah r.a b) Abdullah ibn Mas’ud c) Bilal ibn Rabah d) Uthman ibn Affan 2) Who would Rasulullah s.a.w take as a bosom friend? a) Umar ibn Al-Khattab b) Ali ibn Abi Talib c) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq d) Uthman ibn Affan 3) Which tribe was Uthman r.a from? a) Bani Ta’in b) Bani ‘Adi c) Bani Umayyah d) Bani Zuhrah 4) Rasulullah s.a.w hated Umar r.a. a) True b) False 5) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a sacrificed his wealth in the Battle of Tabuk. a) True b) False 6) Umar r.a was an unjust and corrupt khalifah. a) True b) False 7) Ali ibn Abi Talib was known as ________ for his fighting skills. a) Al-Faruq b) Dhu Al-Nurayn c) al- Siddiq d) Asadullah e) Paragon of Virtues f) Al-Ghaniyy 8) Uthman resembled _________ the most in character. a) Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a b) Ali ibn Abi Talib r.a c) Rasulullah s.a.w d) Bilal ibn Rabah 9) What was Abu Bakr as-Siddiq r.a’s real name? a) Abdullah ibn Mas’ud b) Uthman ibn Abu Qahafah c) Abdullah ibn Uthman Abu Qahafah 10) Abdullah ibn Mas’ud once said:“If you’re willing to follow a good example,follow Rasulullah’s companions.” a) True b) False 11) Sumayyah r.a was the first _______ to die in the path of Allah. a) believer b) women c) person d) martyr 12) He was willing to pay a huge sum of money to his ________ to free Bilal ibn Rabah. a) boss b) master c) slave d) discipline master e) caner  13) Rasulullah s.a.w said “People are like mines of silver and gold,the best of them in Jahiliyyah are the best of them in Islam when they attain ______. a) strength b) knowledge c) education 14) Uthman ibn Affan was a ________ merchant. a) jewelry b) cloth c) food d) souvenir 15) The Sahabah shared the moments of ________ and _________ together with Rasulullah s.a.w. a) win,lose b) good,evil c) triumph,defeat 16) Ali r.a was married to _______. a) Ruqayyah b) Zaeynab c) Ummu Kulthum d) Fatimah e) Neelofa 17) Rasulullah s.a.w told Ali r.a to never bend his head down to ____,_____ or any other idol. a) Jesus,Thor b) Lat,Uzza c) Zeus,Hindu god 18) Uthman r.a never ever let the people under his leadership face ______. a) equality b) justice c) injustice 19) The Sahabah was able to endure so much suffering because… a) they have power b) they are strong c) they have strong Iman and love Allah and Rasulullah s.a.w 20) Sayyidina Abu Bakr was _______, while Sayyidina Uthman chose modesty and_________. a) generous,simplicity b) justice,equality c) slanderous,knowledgeable

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