1) I ________ very tired after work yesterday. a) was b) were 2) We ________ in Helsinki last summer. a) was b) were 3) Karen ________ ill when we visited her. a) was b) were 4) It ________ rainy last weekend. a) was b) were 5) Steve and Ella ________ at the beach yesterday. a) was b) were 6) I ________ never late for school. a) was b) were 7) The muffins ________ delicious. a) was b) were 8) The soup ________ tasty. a) was b) were 9) That man ________ in prison some years ago. a) was b) were 10) You ________ such a cute baby. a) was b) were 11) It ________ 8 pm when I got home. a) was b) were 12) My dog ________ very energetic. a) was b) were 13) Her shoes ________ too small for her. a) was b) were 14) The exam ________ a bit difficult. a) was b) were 15) Mr Smith ________ off work last week. a) was b) were 16) It __________ windy at the beach. a) wasn't b) weren't 17) I __________ at the office yesterday. a) wasn't b) weren't 18) The earrings __________ expensive. a) wasn't b) weren't 19) Mrs Shorten __________ my favourite teacher. a) wasn't b) weren't 20) It __________ an easy task. a) wasn't b) weren't 21) The children __________ very cooperative. a) wasn't b) weren't 22) Oliver __________ interested in the lecture. a) wasn't b) weren't 23) I __________ born yesterday, you know! a) wasn't b) weren't 24) My parents __________ very happy about it. a) wasn't b) weren't 25) His car papers __________ in order. a) wasn't b) weren't 26) Cindy __________ dressed for the occasion. a) wasn't b) weren't 27) They said it __________ true. a) wasn't b) weren't 28) The waiter __________ very friendly to us. a) wasn't b) weren't 29) Liz __________ in love with Russell. a) wasn't b) weren't 30) The boys __________ in the pub yesterday evening. a) wasn't b) weren't 31) ________ the bakery open last Sunday? a) Was b) Were 32) ________ you at the cinema yesterday? a) Was b) Were 33) ________ Helen at the dentist two days ago? a) Was b) Were 34) ________ the girls on time for the dance class? a) Was b) Were 35) ________ the receptionist helpful? a) Was b) Were 36) ________ your parents on holidays last week? a) Was b) Were 37) ________ Peter ashamed of what he did? a) Was b) Were 38) ________ the French test easy or difficult? a) Was b) Were 39) ________ you born in July? a) Was b) Were 40) ________ your daughter fond of tennis? a) Was b) Were 41) ________ The Smiths your neighbours? a) Was b) Were 42) Where ________ they last night? a) was b) were 43) Why ________ you so tired? a) was b) were 44) ________ Michael a drummer? a) Was b) Were 45) ________ Bob and Fiona at the wedding? a) Was b) Were 46) Were the kids quiet? a) No, he wasn't. b) No, we weren't. c) No, they weren't. 47) Was the restaurant open? a) Yes, they were. b) Yes, it was. c) Yes, he was. 48) Were you a shy girl? a) No, she wasn't. b) No, we weren't. c) No, I wasn't. 49) Was Mrs Potter a good boss? a) Yes, she was. b) Yes, he was, c) Yes, it was. 50) Were you and Tim tired after the trip? a) Yes, they were. b) Yes, we were. c) Yes, you were.

LH5 Unit 1 VERB TO BE (Past)


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