First, a job description is prepared, This breaks the job down into its different elements, Then, the job description is used to write an advert, Here, salary and conditions are included, Next, the post is advertised internally, - usually on the company intranet, This is because our company has a policy of using our own employees first, After advertsing internally, if no one suitable is found,, we carry out the second advertsing stage on external websites, Normally, candidates have 2 weeks to apply, After that, we accept no more applications , The selection process starts by eliminating any candidates who do not have the essential requirements mentioned in the advert, It proceeds by the remaining candidates being graded 'A' to 'C', 'A' indicates a candidate who fulfills all the advert's criteria, including the extra 'desirable' ones. 'B' shows a good candidate and 'C' a satisfactory one, The third stage of selection is deciding who to interview, Generally about 10 candidates are interviewed. At first, then, 'Bs' and 'Cs' are considered, After interview, 2 or 3 candidates are shortlisted and invited to attend final interviews, The final interviews take place a week or so later, then, lastly, the best candidate is offered the job, The whole process takes from 4 to 6 weeks..

Describing a process (HR)


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