1) You are feeling numb. You say to yourself, "It doesn't matter if I live or die." 2) On social media, you read an article that reminds you of your trauma. You feel enraged that so much suffering occurs. 3) You are with your family, and a relative puts you down in front of everyone. 4) The weekend is coming, and you have no plans. You think, "I'm a loser." 5) You want to take a prescription that wasn't prescribed for you. You say to yourself, "This isn't really substance abuse." 6) You wake up and think, "I don't want to go to work. I'll just lie in bed." 7) You look in the mirror. You feel old and fat. 8) You completed a requirement of supervision. You think, "I want to celebrate. I'll just have (drug of choice)." 9) You are not eating well or exercising. How could you get yourself to do those? 10) There is a relationship that you know is bad for you, but you keep falling back in. How could you stay away? 11) You are preparing a recipe that calls for red wine. You say to yourself, "I need to buy wine for the recipe." 12) You are laid off from your job. 13) It is late at night. You are feeling lonely. You are thinking, "No one loves me." 14) You see an ad for a course at the local college that you want to take, but you think, "I'll never pass that course. Everyone will be smarter than me." 15) You remember a painful memory. You feel very upset, but you don't want to cry because you think you would look "weak." 16) You yell at your children more than you should. You feel guilty. 17) You have a habit of hiding in the closet when you feel upset. You don't want to tell anyone about this, as you think it will sound crazy. 18) You have had a hard day. You say to yourself, "I need a drink." 19) You used yesterday even after promising yourself, your loved ones, and support network you wouldn't. You feel ashamed and disgusted with yourself. 20) You run into your ex-partner on the street who looked very happy with someone new. You think, "I'll never have a successful relationship." 21) You try a self-help meeting. You get there, look around the room, and think, "No one here can understand what I've been through." 22) A loved one is criticizing you again. You think, "I am sick of everyone. I need a drink." 23) Your partner/loved one says, "Why can't you get over your trauma? I want to live a normal life." 24) You are at a work party and someone offers you a drink. 25) A loved one says to you, "Why can't you get off substances? That's all I want." 26) You go to a medical doctor who is very rude to you. 27) Your ex-partner violates the court's custody agreement. 28) You find out that your partner is having an affair. 29) You keep promising yourself that you'll make an appointment for an annual physical exam, but you keep putting it off, week after week. 30) Loved ones say, "Why can't you hold a job like regular people? If you just worked full-time, everything would workout." 31) You run into an old acquaintance and think, "I'll just have one." 32) You feel triggered by a movie that reminds you of your trauma. 33) Someone cuts you off in traffic. You feel enraged. 34) Someone says a remark in front of you that is offensive to you. 35) Everyone you know gets invited to a part except you. 

The Life Choices Game (Seeking Safety)


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