bees - I learned about the birds and the ______ when my baby brother was born., chickened - I was going to take a ride on Geoff's motorcyle, but I ________ out when he gave me a helmet to wear., clammed - Arthur _______ up when I asked him about his family., cat - My sister is such a copy _____. First she bought the same car as me, and now she's applying to my school., flies - My roses are dropping like ______ in this early frost., beaver - Ever since he got his new drill set my husband has been an eager _______ around the house., fish - I knew something ______y was going on when I saw all of my friends' cars in my mom's driveway., horses - Hold your ______! I'll be done in the washroom in a minute., cow - Holy ______! I can't believe you ate everything on your plate., lion - My aunt got the ______'s share of the inheritance., birds - If you pick the groceries up when you drop George off for his shift, you will kill two ______ with one stone., bird - A little ______ told me that you are thinking of quitting your job., cats, dogs - I forgot my umbrella, and it was raining _____ and ______., rat - I'm ready to leave this ______ race and retire in Mexico., bull - If you really think you deserve a promotion, you'll have to take the ______ by the horns., bat - The man is as blind as a ______ and cannot see more than a small distance ahead., horse - The man is betting on the wrong ______ if he supports the other city in their bid for the Olympic games., sheep - My cousin is the black ______of the family and nobody likes to talk about him., donkey - I was happy to see my friend because I had not seen her in ________'s years., whale - We had a _______ of a time at the party last night., bulls - Our manager hit the _____-eye when he talked about the problems in the company., snail - Traffic is moving at a _______’s pace., oyster - You just graduated from a wonderful university, so the world is your _______!, dogs - I’m not telling the boss about Mark’s problem, it’s best to let sleeping _______ lie.,

Animal idioms



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