1) Emma will meet us a) She say that Emma would meet us. b) She said that Emma would meet us c) She said that Emma will meet us 2) Did you visit your mum yesterday? a) He asked me if I had visited my mum the previous day b) He ask me if I had visited my mum the previous day c) He asked me I had visited my mum yesterday 3) We didn't vote for him a) She say that we hadn't vote for him b) She said that we didn't voted for him c) She said taht we hadn't voted for him 4) Don't touch this. a) He tell me to touch this b) He told me not to touch this c) He told me to touch this 5) "I was very tired" he said a) He said that he had been very tired  b) He said that he had be very tired c) He said that he had been very tire 6) "Who knows the answer?" The teacher asked a) The teacher asked who know the answer b) The teacher asked who knew the answer c) The teacher asked if who knew the answer 7) She said "I woke up early" a) She said that she had woken up early b) She said that she had woke up early c) She say that she had woken up early


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