Erosional: Arete, Glacial Trough/U-Shaped Valley/Parabolic Valley, Cirque/Corrie/Cwm, Pyramidal Peak, Abrasion and Plucking, Rotational Flow, Nivation (E), Roche Moutonnee, Regelation, Pressure Melting Point, Striations, Depositional: Drumlin, Ablation (D) , Negative Mass Balance (D), Till, Moraine, Erratics, Till Sheets, Unsorted Material and Angular, Basket of Eggs, Periglacial : Nivation (P), Patterned Ground, Freeze-thaw cycling, Frost Heave, Solifluction, Artesian Pressure, Talik, Open and Closed Pingo, Permafrost, Active Layer, Fluvioglacial: Esker, Hydrostatic Pressure (F), Delta Kames, Kame Terraces, Rounded and Sorted, Outwash Plains, Sandur, Braided Rivers, Fjallsjökull, Breiðamerkurjökull,

Features and Key Terms of Glaciation



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